Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hak at the Taj: 9/9/2008

*EDIT* - Bah...Would be nice if I noticed my post title got truncated.

Full title is:
Mirrors on the ceiling, A tropical storm, My wife, Good eats, and the difference between 10/20 and 20/40: An AC Trip Report

Ugh, I started writing a long trip report with flowery prose and whitty anecdotes, but just didn't have it in me to finish...so I decided to write a choose your own adventure Trip Report. Highlights below, let me know if you're interested in more detail on any bullet and I'll provide.


AC 9/5-9/8 Choose your own adventure

Trip Report:
1) Took my wife to AC for the first time against my better judgement, and we both had a surprisingly good time.

2) New tower at the Taj is nice

3) Grand suites in old Taj tower show their age, but they have mirrors above the bed...so WTF

4) Ate at: Izakaya, Sonsie, Buddakan, Teplitzky's, and Bobby Flay Steak, in that order, chronologically. The dining experiences ranged from good to somewhere better than excellent,
but several ticks shy of sublime

5) Spent time at: Taj, The Chelsea, Borgata, the beach

6) Played 2/5 nl, 10/20 and 20/40 @ the Taj...won significant monies in each

7) Playing early Sunday morning (sober, after sleep) against old regulars is fun

8) I was the only non-local/regular in the 20 game at Taj...game was still awesome

9) Some guy in the 20 game @ Taj smelled insanely bad...even from completely across the table

10) The different between 10/20 and 20/40. I wasn't in either of these hands, but they were almost identical. In both hands, two people get to showdown with Top two pair vs. set. In the 10 game, the turn went check/call, and river checked through after a backdoor straight got there. In the 20 game, 3 people got three bets in on the turn, and two people showed down for 2 bets each when a backdoor flush hit the river

11) Saw the biggest stack of red chips ever in the 20 game @ Borg...easily over $15K of red and 4 ft. high

12) Waited for 30+ minutes on Sunday afternoon to get into one of the following games @ Borg: 5/10 nl, 20/40, 40/80. Gave up and went back to the Tag to play the 20 game

13) Used to book rooms at Borg...pretty sure I'm only staying @ Taj from now on

14) Beach was oddly crowded at 10 AM on a Monday morning after Labor Day

15) Tropical storm was over-rated...a little wind and some rain

16) I've seen the same random guy from Chicago at the Borg for four years running during the Borgata Open. 20-something guy, I played 5/10 nl with you a few times. You were watching Bears/Colts at the Gypsy Bar Sunday night next to your friend who was wearing a Bears jersey. If you're a 2+2er, shoot me a PM...otherwise I'll be forced to stalk you on Craigs List Missed Connections.

17) Drive back to DC from AC is much nicer when you've had some sleep and aren't either:
a) Still drunk from night before, or
b) Insanely tired and hung over

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